Quiz and Exam Preparation

The Quiz will take about 15% of your total marks while the Exam will carry 60%.
You will need to prepare for the exam as well as the small quiz test.

Here are the tips for your examination and Quiz test.
1. Tips for Quiz - click here.
2. Tips for Exam - click here.

Okay.. The last one - just in case, you want to try some sample exam questions.
Download here.


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    Thats what they display . There is no download link/button anywhere

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  3. Is this blog still alive? Need help with FYP.

  4. Hi,
    You are able to provide Cryptography tutoring services?

  5. The blog would be better if you could obtain more assignments/tutorials from students who are taking the modules. This would definitely help the students by knowing the standard of the modules as it might change after each semester.

  6. Hi Ling, Thank you for the comment. Yes, I agree. The assignments and tutorials will change over time. It is definitely better if i could get these information.

  7. Do you have CSCI 368 Sample questions?

  8. Sorry. No. Whatever I have it, it is all in this blog.
